Military pictures Appreciation | Atlas of Delta Special Forces vol.20
Delta force,the pioneer of MC camouflage
Speaking of multicam camouflage, it goes back to 2001 when Crye Precision Company won the order for the first phase of the US Army's "Future Combat System" (FCS) project "Scorpion" (Scorpion), which included the development of future global tactical camouflage. CP Company uses it for testing on various equipment developed by the "Land Warrior" in its R&D base; on the other hand, it is directly connected to the battlefield.
In March 2003, the United States entered into Iraq and gave the multicam camouflage the opportunity to directly face the actual combat environment. In addition to the part at the time, it was provided to the Blackwater military contractor for testing. As the army’s top special operations unit, the Delta Forces was the first to take responsibility for it. Work on battlefield testing.
The time period of Delta Forces brought it into the battlefield. According to relevant photos exposed on the Internet, it appeared approximately in 2005-2006:
Some Cag pics for Special forces fans, gear collectors and airsofters reference. We will keep posting these rare pictures for your guys. #cag #paracleterav #paracletehpc #airsoft #deltaforce

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